The 7 Deadly Sins of Online Dating

The good news about online dating is the benefit it can bring to your love life. Your prospect pool expands, nights that were once lonely can suddenly be crammed with first dates, and if you're lucky (and patient) you may just find a suitable long-term companion.

But once you have been actively searching for love on the Internet, you quickly learn that the process can often be quite frustrating. Part of the problem is that messages can be misconstrued when you are dealing and relying on electronic devices in place of personal matchmakers.

The mistakes you make can be "deadly," so make sure to avoid the following transgressions:

  1. Lust: The mind can go awry when there are hundreds of pretty peoples' pictures at which to peek. It's one thing to be an innocent observer of all those published profiles, but acting improperly on certain thoughts by sending lewd or lascivious email, text or instant messages is taboo.

  2. Gluttony: It's no longer about the amount food on your plate folks, but rather the number of "dishes" you woo at once. While flirting with multiple candidates simultaneously can be tempting, you must also make sure to control your appetite. Without serious intentions, don't lead multiple people on at once, because in the end your actions may return to haunt you.

  3. Greed: Much like gluttony, but as it pertains to the acquisition of wealth in particular. According to the faith, a potential mate should be measured not by their assets or material riches but rather by their character, morals, and suitability.

  4. Sloth: The "woe is me" attitude does not cut it in the Good Book, nor will it serve you well in cyberspace. Life is to be celebrated, so don't let on that your search for love and companionship has got you down, especially in the personal essays you publish about yourself.

  5. Wrath: Be warned that anger has a way of making people do the unthinkable, like sending nasty notes or leaving hurtful message. You may have good reason to be upset about the last minute no shows or unreturned emails and phone calls, but it's your duty to maintain your composure.

  6. Envy: Your friends may get more hits and dates than you, but bear in mind that it only takes one match to find the perfect mate. There's no point in turning green with jealousy, when it really is about quality over quantity.

  7. Pride: Whatever rules you observe, don't let self-respect or arrogance stand in your way. It's okay to reach out and "poke" someone while keeping a humble and positive attitude along the way!

By Sherri Langburt of for


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